Agricultural Museum


Year Level: Prep – Grade 6 (differentiated)

Time: 20 minutes – 1 hour

Learners explore machinery, tools, and implements used in the district years ago and consider how farming technology has changed over time.

Learning Snapshots

Butter Making


Year Level: Prep – Grade 6

Time: 30 minutes

Learners investigate and participate in the use of a traditional churn to turn cream into butter.

* Incurs an additional fee.

Cottage Industries


Year Level: Grade 2 – Grade 6 (only available to camps)

Time: 1.5 hours

Learners participate in household chores from a bygone era by making bread, butter, and candles. They will also investigate how wool is spun into yarn.

* Incurs an additional fee.

Learning Snapshots

Homelife Museum


Year Level: Prep – Grade 6 (differentiated)

Time: 30 minutes – 1 hour

Learners will discover numerous household items from previous eras. They have the opportunity to use washboards, a mangle and flat irons, grind wheat to make flour, dress up and role play.

Learning Snapshots

Olde Classroom


Year Level: Grade 1 – Grade 6 (differentiated)

Time: 1 hour – 1.5 hours

Learners will investigate the changes in education and experience what school was like for country children. Using role-play, the students will experience classroom life from the past including the opportunity to write with pen and ink.

Learning Snapshots

St. Mary’s Church


Year Level: Grade 3 – Grade 6

Time: 1 hour – 1.5 hours

Students visit the beautiful church at the top of the farm and learn about Sir Richard Dry, our first Tasmanian born Premier.

Learning Snapshots